2024-09-05 17:30  







2020.09-2024.06 山东大学,动力工程及工程热物理专业 博士研究生

2016.09-2019.06 昆明理工大学,动力工程专业 硕士研究生

2012.09-2016.06 佳木斯大学,热能与动力工程专业 大学本科


[1] 多相流动及强化传热传质(常规及微通道内单相/多相流动及强化传热传质)

[2] 高效能量转换理论与热工过程优化(冷却塔及塔群的高效清洁利用-消雾、节水及增效)


[3] 近海核电大型海水冷却塔关键技术与关键装备研究,企业科技项目,主研

[2] 广东国粤韶关综合利用发电(扩建)项目冷却塔风机助力增容数模与物模研究,企业科技项目,主研

[1] 高位收水、节水除雾及噪声防治一体化的机力通风冷却塔数模物模试验研究,企业科技项目,主研


国内外权威期刊上发表SCI论文15篇,其中4第一作者在传热传质领域顶级期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferApplied Thermal EngineeringInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer等发表论文11篇。

[11] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Numerical analysis on performance of mechanical draft wet cooling towers based on the condensation plume module, Applied Thermal Engineering, 237(2024)0121792.

[10] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Performance analysis and multi-objective optimization of mechanical draft wet cooling towers based on water saving, plume and cooling characteristics, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 196(2024)108656.

[9] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Yuhao Wang, Zhihui Zhang, Performance comparison of module layout for the mechanical draft wet cooling tower, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 141(2023)106600.

[8] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Influence of layout pattern on thermal performance of mechanical draft wet cooling tower group, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 184(2023)108007.

[7] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, Impact mechanism of rhombus module on plume abatement and water saving of mechanical draft wet cooling tower, Applied Thermal Engineering, 221(2023)119818.

[6] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, et al, The study on plume abatement and water saving of hybrid mechanical draft wet cooling tower, Applied Thermal Engineering, 223(2023)120013.

[5] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, New method to decrease the air recirculation of mechanical draft wet cooling tower group by increasing height of fan duct, Applied Thermal Engineering, 219(2023)119645.

[4] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, Numerical study on performance of hybrid mechanical draft wet cooling tower, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 201(2023)123574.

[3] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Runchen Wang, Keting He, Influence mechanism of the louver on the thermal performance of the mechanical draft wet cooling tower, Applied Thermal Engineering, 230(2023)120640.

[2] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, New retrofit method to cooling capacity improvement of mechanical draft wet cooling tower group, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 188】【(2022)122589.

[1] Weipeng Deng, Fengzhong Sun*, Kun Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, The research on plume abatement and water saving of mechanical draft wet cooling tower based on the rectangle module, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 136(2022)106184.


[5] 孙奉仲,邓伟鹏,张晓宇,陈学宏.一种雨区结构的机械通风逆流湿式冷却塔群.发明专利, ZL 202210191610.9.

[4] 张小辉,邓伟鹏,王华,冯立斌.一种生物柴油、0#柴油混合燃烧系统和方法.发明专利, ZL 201810460509.2.

[3] 张小辉,邓伟鹏,王华.一种用于铜熔池熔炼的浸没式喷枪.实用新型专利, ZL 201720598536.7.

[2] 张小辉,邓伟鹏,王华.一种用于顶吹熔池熔炼装置的喷枪.实用新型专利, ZL 201720576712.7.

[1] 张小辉,邓伟鹏,王华.一种混合燃油富氧浸没喷吹的铜渣处理系统.实用新型专利, ZL 201721199184.4.


[5] 山东大学博士研究生国家奖学金

[4] 山东省优秀毕业生

[3] 昆明理工大学硕士研究生国家奖学金

[2]“力诺瑞特杯”第十四届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 全国特等奖(第一完成人)

[1] 第十届神雾杯全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 全国一等奖(第一完成人)


